How many hours of sleep did you get last night? Be honest with yourself. If you’re anything like me, you might be used to staying up until the break of dawn to cram for a test or get that last assignment done. It may seem worth it in the moment, but the lack of sleep has negative effects on your ability to focus the next day meaning you’re not as productive as you need to be.
According to the article, How to Get a Better Night’s Sleep, According to a Nutritionist, a great tip for getting more restful sleep is to skip the afternoon coffee. After lunch when you begin to feel tired and groggy you shouldn’t reach for the caffeine, instead, try taking a short walk or resting for a few minutes. Not only does a short break allow you time to clear your thoughts, but the fresh air easily combats mental fatigue. Although this is great advice, it isn’t always as easy as we think to get a restful 8 hours of sleep. Here are some other tricks and natural remedies to help you get to sleep faster:
The most natural and reliable way to ease yourself into sleep mode at night is by drinking a warm cup of Sleepytime herbal tea by Celestial Seasonings. This herbal mix of chamomile, spearmint, and lemongrass is the perfect solution to a restless mind. Drinking this an hour or two before bedtime soothes tired muscles and promotes a restful mindset.
Essential oils are another great way to promote restfulness and relaxation while getting ready for bed at the end of a long day. Spraying a little of this Sleep Aromatherapy Essential Oils Blend by Nature’s Truth, on your pillow or over your sheets before climbing into bed guarantees a calming sleep experience.
An easy alternative to spraying your sheets with essential oils every night is using this Badger Sleep Balm. Made with uplifting and calming scents like rosemary and lavender, this balm uses a mix of essential oils to relax your mind and calm you down for a night of restful night sleep. Applying this balm on pressure points like your wrists or temples promotes relaxation and mindfulness, getting you ready for bed.

For some, melatonin, a hormone which regulates the human sleep cycle, is the perfect remedy for a good nights sleep. I find that the strong effects of melatonin teas and medicines last well into the next day, leaving me tired, groggy, and not wanting to leave my bed the next morning. A great alternative to this is are melatonin gummies such as ZzzQuil’s PURE Zzzs Melatonin Gummies or Olly’s Restful Sleep Zen Vitamin Gummies. Gummies like these often have smaller dosages of melatonin which give the same effects but don’t last as long, meaning you’re awake and refreshed in the morning.

Playing calming music or white noise when getting ready for bed is another great way to relax your mind and clear your thoughts before going to sleep. The Pzizz App is an easy way to find relaxing playlists before bed. The app makes it extremely simple to find the perfect playlist or calming sound before bed. You can easily set the app to only play for a few hours so you don’t have to worry about waking up to turn the music off. For those who like to listen to music before drifting off to sleep, this is a great way to wind down at the end of the night.