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Studying Abroad: Coursework and a Haunted Museum

Prestonville Neighborhood of Brighton
Prestonville Neighborhood of Brighton

The work in my Audiovisual Professional Practice class picked up this week as we were separated into groups to begin working on capturing content for our final project. The project involves working with a local business to create an ad for their product. At the beginning of the term, the plan was to work with a nonprofit organization as well as a local business, but after losing class time because of the strike, we're now only working with one.

Preston Manor Museum in Brighton
Preston Manor Museum in Brighton

This week, after being separated into two groups, we began working with a business based in Brighton called Ruby Ruth Dolls. The creator of the button-eyed dolls, Jenny Mustill, came to one of our class sessions to tell us about her product and what she wants to portray through our ads.

I love how hands-on the classes are in the U.K. compared to the U.S. Though I have been behind the camera in the studio at my home university, this feels different since there's less instruction from the professor.

Our group focused on planning the direction of our project this week as well as writing interview questions to ask Jenny next week.

Butterflies at the Booth Museum of Natural History
Butterflies at the Booth Museum of Natural History

During one of our British Culture classes this week, we took a trip to Preston Manor, an Edwardian-style house in Brighton that now serves as a museum that claims to be haunted. The house looks as though it's stuck in the 17th century and it was fascinating to learn about what life was like during that time. I didn't see any ghosts while I was there, but the art and detail in each room was breathtaking.

After leaving the museum, one of my flatmates and I explored the Prestonville area of Brighton. It's a residential neighborhood with houses lining most of the streets. We wandered around until we found the Booth Museum of Natural History which was a small museum filled with displays of all kinds of different animals.

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